
Thank You for embarking on this journey with me! I offer you two choices: Choice #1: You can choose to delve down deep into the rabbit hole of misandry, chaos and stagnation. Choice #2: You can choose to embark on a beautiful journey with me along the yellow brick road. This road leading to adventures and discoveries of Love, Hope and continuous growth. Choose the former and I wish you the best! Choose the latter and prepare yourself for a breathtaking adventure! Choose wisely...

You can read about Omar’s story under the “About Omar” section, located at the top right-hand corner of the page.

 “We're all metaphorically, just snowflakes in this world (beautifully unique, wandering aimlessly through the vastness of life, yet with a precision-lime destiny, just awaiting our opportunity to land in the perfect spot. So that we can melt away and give life to whatever we touch.) Melt away!!!”

-Omar R. Wilkins

Current Location

Fort Madison, IA